Locating victims, determining the status of the structure and focusing on where to look are the first challenges Urban Search & Rescue workers address in a structural collapse rescue.
Controlling large crowds, decontaminating patients and treating injuries is made more difficult when emergency personnel cannot be heard through their personal protective clothing.
Technical rescues over cliffs, embankments, canyons, buildings mean rescuers need their hands free to maneuver lines and assist with raising or lowering the victim. Equipment needs to be portable, rugged, reliable and easily operable.
Confined space workers face a number of work place challenges both physical and psychological. Staying in constant contact with entrants and monitoring their safety requires continuous two-way voice communications.
A successful outcome to a Hazmat incident depends on quick access to information. Entering the hotzone, monitoring worker safety and determining the best course of action are just some of the challenges facing the Incident Commander.
When portable radios fail - below grade, around obstacles and in heavy metal environments - establishing communications with a trapped victim requires a hardline communication system.