Web Links

At CON-SPACE Communications, we’re the leading supplier of technical search and rescue equipment for first responders around the world. We believe in the mutual growth and development that comes from partnerships with other manufacturers who specialize search and rescue. If you’re an organization within the First Responder or Public Safety Communications industry with great products or services that would compliment our own line of unique communication equipment, please email or call us (604-244-9323) and we’ll gladly feature your website link here.


Fire Engineering www.fireengineering.com
Fire House www.firehouse.com
Fire Rescue 1 www.firerescueone.com
International Fire Protection www.ifpmag.com
Industrial Fire World www.fireworld.com
Fire Magazine www.fire-magazine.com
Fire Fighting in Canada www.firefightingincanada.com/content/view/3580/



Savox www.savox.com
Motorola www.motorola.com


Urban Search & Rescue

Hurst www.jawsoflife.com
Unifire www.unifire.com


Breathing Apparatus

3M www.3m.com
Bullard www.bullard.com
Interspiro www.interspiro.com
ILC Dover www.ilcdover.com
ISI www.intsafety.com
MSA www.msanet.com
Draeger www.draeger.com/CA/en_US
Sabrecom www.scottint.com
Scott Health & Safety www.scotthealthandsafety.com
Sperian www.sperian.com


Gas Detection

Bacharach www.bacharach-inc.com
Crowcon www.crowcon.com
ENMET www.enmet.com
Quest Technologies www.quest-technologies.com
Rae Systems www.raesystems.com
BW Technologies by Honeywell www.gasmonitors.com
Industrial Scientific Corporation www.indsci.com


Personal Protective Equipment

Grace Industries www.gracesales.com
Howard Leight www.howardleight.com
Kappler www.kappler.com
Lakeland Industries www.lakeland.com
PPS www.ppsgb.com
Respirex www.respirex.co.uk
Trelleborg www.telleborg.com
Uvex www.uvex.com


Training Schools

CMC Rescue www.cmcrescue.com
Fire Fighter U.S.A www.firefighterusa.com
GSM Training Assoc. www.gsmtraining.org
International Rescue Training www.internationalrescuetraining.com
North Shore Rescue www.northshorerescue.com
Pigeon Mountain Industries www.pmirope.com
Rescue Net www.rescuenet.com
ROCO Rescue www.rocorescue.com
Safety Scope www.safetyscope.on.ca
Spec Rescue Intl. www.specrescue.com
Survival Systems www.survivalsystemsinc.com
Tech. Training Solutions www.techtrngsols.com
Tech Rescue Corp www.techrescuecorp.com 
WHP Training Towers www.trainingtowers.com
Wright Rescue Solutions Inc. www.wrightrescuesolutions.com
UK Fire Service www.fireservice.co.uk
Mines Rescue www.minesrescue.com
CSTS www.csts.co.uk
Outreach www.outreachrescue.com
Fire Service College www.fireservicecollege.ac.uk
SERT Rescue www.sertrescue.co.uk
Guardian Survival Gear www.wholesalesurvivalkits.com
California Health & Rescue Training www.calrescue.com
Illinois Fire Service Institute www.fsi.illinois.edu
Ohio Society of Fire Service Instructors www.osfsi.org
HK Carr & Associates www.4thalarm.citymax.com


Retrieval & Fall Protection

Abtech Safety www.abtechsafety.com
DBI/SALA www.dbisala.com
Elk River www.elkriver.org
Fall Arrest www.fall-arrest.com
Protecta International www.protecta.com
Rose www.msanet.com
Safewaze www.safewaze.com
Unique Concepts www.uclsafetysystems.com
Yates Gear www.yatesgear.com
PETZL www.petzl.com
Skedco Inc. www.skedco.com
Paratech Inc. www.paratech.us
Ventilation Air Systems www.airsystems.com
Air Shelters Zumro Inc. www.zumro.com
Accessory Equipment Hannay Reels www.hannay.com
Pelican Products www.pelican.com


Health & Safety / Regulators

A+A Dusseldorf www.aplusa-online.com
AD Safety Consultants www.adsafetyconsultants.ie
AFOSH www.af.mil
European Union www.europa.eu.int
Fisher Safety www.fishersafety.com
FEMA www.fema.gov
Galls www.galls.com
MSHA www.msha.gov
NAVOSH www.safetycenter.navy.mil
NSC www.nsc.org
OSHA www.osha.gov
Safety Info. www.safetyinfo.com
Safety Online www.safetyonline.com
UK - HSE www.hse.gov.uk
Center for Domestic Preparedness http://cdp.dhs.gov/
State Urban Search & Rescue Alliance http://www.susar.org/
Firefighters Grant Program http://www.usfa.dhs.gov/fireservice/grants/afgp/index.shtm
FEMSA www.femsa.org


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